
Monday 15 October 2012

Close Quarters Combat

Traditionally, the struggle is the military or the police term for armed or unarmed combat. But it was the value of martial arts in which correspond to the CQC training is always a value.

Before the advent of firearms, especially in Asian cultures, martial arts and combative ring-Street tested and methods of CQC. CQC techniques focus directly on effective, powerful and deadly battle strategy. Many martial arts as Muay Boran, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Wing Chun Kung Fu-evolved from the combination of the skills of other martial arts.

Today integrate martial arts, police, the military and the elite counter forces armed, simple exercises and weapons knowledge and training scenarios. Current training also synthesize CQC, wrestling and boxing with martial arts neo modern Muay Thai, Sambo and "all", which is useful.

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