
Monday 15 October 2012


Translates literally as "system" is a Russian martial art, which distinguishes his fists and close combat. It is the system of choice for many Russian spetsnaz units as a generic term for the Russian Special Forces. In fact, it is one of the most prominent practitioners of Systema today Mikhail Ryabko since the beginning of the era of Swat. He learns about the bodyguard Joseph Stalins Systema.

It was during the Mongol occupation of 400 years from Russia, which has developed the system. Founded in 948 a.d. kazakov, a martial arts system is Hung and Mongol. There is also speculation that there had been under the influence of Chinese martial arts. After the completion of the war between the Mongols and Huns who had weapons Systema Nagaïka a short whip with a lead filled, the Cossacks from the threats used specifically.

Today, Systema focus on melee, confrontation, combat knife, firearms training, where six levers are the body, neck, shoulders, elbows, hips and ankles – effective pressure point of the main objectives of the attacks and weapons applications. The system is the ancestor of the Russian Sambo.

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