
Monday 15 October 2012

Combat Hapkido

According to the modern concepts of and combat Hapkido founder John Pellegrini had the "I just self defense system based on solid scientific principles of structures". For this reason, Hapkido has called the fight "Science of self-defense." Combat Hapkido is a new interpretation and based on a selected set of technical Hapkido, with the word "combat" traditional Hapkido styles of this system to distinguish and identify their orientation as self-defence added. »

Hapkido system upgraded, also known in Korean as Chon TU Kwon Hapkido, John Pellegrini Jiu-Jitsu and Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do widely absorbed the beneficial properties of boxes, kuntao Silat (martial style, created by Chinese martial arts, who lives in South-East Asia). Combat Hapkido is also pressure point attacks, weapons disarmed provocation, throws, joint locks, choke and Dan Bong (short flow) methods.

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